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The Immunisation Fraud: Flu Vaccines Don’t Stop You from Getting Flu

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There are four main types of flu viruses, A, B, C, and D. They are completely different and only A, B, and C affect humans.

Remember, the only way they can affect you is to get inside of you and into your bloodstream through that epithelial layer of your respiratory tract. Unless, of course, you decide to willingly inject them.

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By Dr. Kevin Stillwagon

The natural way for them to get in is by attaching to receptors on cells of that epithelial layer. Once attachment occurs, there must be a glycosylation or merging between the virus and the cell membrane. How easily this merging happens determines how “contagious” the virus is. The proteins on types A and B that do this merging are very similar, making them highly contagious. The protein on influenza C is different, making it less contagious. The protein on type D is so different that it will not merge with human cells.

All four of these viruses are constantly transmitting between humans, even D from animals. Type D will not be able to attach to human cells unless it is “monkeyed with” in the laboratory, called Gain of Function research.

Whether or not a person will display symptoms after contracting a virus is determined by the condition of their immune system, not the presence of the virus because it is almost always present.

The curious thing about these flu viruses is that our bodies constantly mutate them. Remember the virus is not alive, has no intelligence, no desire to attack you, no ability to inject itself into a cell, and no ability to mutate itself. The mutations are under the intelligent control of APOBEC enzymes in the cytoplasm of cells communicating with the nervous system, endocrine system, other viruses, exosomes, and ultimately universal intelligence. In fact, the APOBEC enzymes may only take parts of the transmissible virus and make a new protein that will change the cellular function of that particular cell line. This is why some doctors like me will say that viruses that are not man-made are part of nature, part of us, will always be with us, and are necessary for our survival.

Whenever man tries to block this necessary transmission of the genetic information inside of viruses, our bodies will continue to mutate them so they will continue to transmit. Here’s another deep dive into the constant new discoveries of the actions of APOBEC: ‘Modelling the Embrace of a Mutator: APOBEC Selection of Nucleic Acid Ligands’.

Science has known for a long time that these mutations in flu viruses happen so fast that trying to make a shot containing something in it that would make an antibody that would block a mutation they cannot predict is almost impossible. Here’s some interesting history:

In the late 1950s, many physicians reported to the National Institute of Health (“NIH”) that influenza in patients who were vaccinated was in many instances MORE SEVERE than in persons who were not vaccinated. So, in 1960, Dr. J. Anthony Morris was brought to NIH specifically to determine the risks and benefits of influenza virus vaccines.

In 1962, a flu epidemic occurred, and 20 million doses of vaccine were used in this country (USA). Dr. Morris found that the number of cases in the vaccinated group was about the same as the non-vaccinated group in the civilian population. They believed the vaccine failed because the wrong virus was in the vaccine, so they changed the virus in 1963 to match the strain prevalent in the population. By 1964, Dr. Morris was not able to measure any detectable benefit derived from the use of influenza vaccines.

Soon after that, NIH discovered a population of people in the Caroline Islands of the Pacific, who had no incidence of influenza since the 1918 epidemic. These people were completely susceptible to influenza, they thought, so NIH got permission from the State Department to go there and vaccinate the people.

In October of 1965, they vaccinated some people with influenza type A vaccine, some with influenza type B, and some were not vaccinated at all. In January of 1966, there was an epidemic of influenza B – 60% of the people vaccinated against influenza B came down with influenza B symptoms and 80% of the people not vaccinated got influenza B symptoms.

That kind of protection against symptoms, 20%, is so low that if the opportunity came to repeat that experiment, the next time it might be 0%, or maybe 40%.

In other words, the protection afforded by the use of that vaccine was minimal. In fact, the mass vaccination campaign probably resulted in the epidemic. Why? Because they were injecting the whole virus replicated in embryonic hen’s eggs, chemically deactivating them (supposedly), then injecting them. Dr. Morris found that:

Regardless of the potency stated on a bottle’s label, it was impossible to measure the actual strength of the vaccine.

Fighting Hogwash – Dr. J Anthony Morris, in Just a Little Prick by Peter and Hilary Butler, 2006 (pdf download HERE)

That statement is still true today.

When Dr. Morris reported these findings to the responsible officials at NIH, he was told to discontinue all investigative work with flu vaccines, and turn over all data gathered and samples used to his supervisors. When that order was given to him, he immediately began duplicating his records and notebooks and separated part of the specimens he had gathered on the islands. He turned over the originals, kept the copies and also kept part of the samples.

He was then charged with insubordination in 1966. That was the first move to fire him from the investigation of influenza virus vaccines. But he was able to continue his work with colleagues on the campus of NIH. By 1971 there was no directive action taken on informing the public of the limited benefit, if any benefit, that they could derive from the use of influenza virus vaccines.

Since there was no evidence that NIH or any government official would ever inform the public of the limited benefit of flu vaccines, a senator, and the secretary of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (“HEW”) were notified. As a result, the regulation of biologics was transferred from NIH to the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) in 1972. It was originally called the Bureau of Biologics. That part of the FDA was split in 1987, right after pharmaceutical companies were granted protection from vaccine injury liability, into two different agencies. The one for monitoring vaccines is now called CBER (Centre for Biologics Evaluation and Research). The one for monitoring drugs is now called CDER (Centre for Drug Evaluation and Research). Their philosophies and culture are entirely different.

Does getting a flu shot prevent one from getting the flu? No, and that’s probably why most flu shots are given away for free.

About the Author

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon is a retired chiropractor, airline captain, inventor, author and lecturer.  He lives in Florida, USA. The above is an article authored by Dr. Stillwagon titled ‘Chapter 5: The Immunization Fraud – Do Vaccines Work? – Influenza’.  You can follow Dr. Stillwagon by subscribing to his Substack ‘The Silent KillersHERE or on his Rumble channel HERE.

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Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
1 year ago

I give up, as there is no point anymore if you continue to spout this drivel.

Babbling on about viruses, but more than that, assuming transmission has been proved AND “even D from animals” … utter nonsense.

To combat problems or concerns … we must tackle the core issue … and it is so simple in that – NO so called virus has ever been isolated, nor has any so called virus ever been proved to be transmittable. END OF (Sorry Rhoda).

PS Again =

Katherine Watt
Katherine Watt
1 year ago

The developers openly admit it.

US HHS/DOD BARDA crowing about 64 FDA-approved medical countermeasures since 2007:

Clicking on Number 7, 2009’s H1N1 ‘vaccine’ Afluria:

“There have been no controlled clinical studies demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with AFLURIA.”

1 year ago


Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
Reply to  Splish_Splash
1 year ago

Why I now refuse all vaccines period … all faith and trust is gone seeing as they have openly admitted too cullibng the population through vaccinations.

Reply to  Splish_Splash
1 year ago

Avoid the healthcare/pharmaceutical cartel at all cost. You could end up in a box with dirt dumped on you way before your time.

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
1 year ago

Whether or not a person will display symptoms after contracting a virus is determined by the condition of their immune system, not the presence of the virus because it is almost always present.

Best solution and seems to work on any illness (virus if you want) is a zinc ionophore + zinc. It does not stop the virus you just slow down the symptoms which is the part that kills you.

I use green tea + zinc whenever I feel a bit of a cold coming on now.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

The only time I had a flu vaccine was because it was mandatory where I was working. Up until then, I had not been bothered very much by colds or flu. If I did catch anything, it was usually only mild symptoms. For the next two or three years afterward, I caught any and every illness and usually the symptoms were anything but mild. I then reverted back to how I was before I had been given the vaccine. I was jabbed over forty years ago and I will never have a vaccine willingly.

Pater Rolf Hermann Lingen
Pater Rolf Hermann Lingen
1 year ago

Interesting – esp. in regard to the error of the (for the time being) last pope, i. e. Pope Pius XII. (died in 1958). The Catholic Church in general was against vaccines, e. g. Pope Leo XII. called it a sacrilege (according to a German booklet of Father Dr. Heinrich Hansjakob, Ein Büchlein über Das Impfen, Freiburg 1869). And a later pope, Leo XIII., consulted the medical advice of Father Sebastian Kneipp – who warned against vaccines. Despite of all this, Pope Pius XII. spoke (at least once) in favor of vaccines. Why? Well, misinformation of course, and that was not in the context of dogma and infallibility. From what I know, the use of aborted children in vaccines became public only after the Pope’s death. And as the article above states, the same goes for the information about flu vaccines.

Reply to  Pater Rolf Hermann Lingen
1 year ago

Popery (Roman Catholicism-which you belong to) is a most evil and damnable antichristian system set up by the god of this world (Satan); 2 Corinthians 4:4 in order to confuse people and send them to the lake of fire (which is Satan’s eternal destiny). The true God is not the author of confusion. 1 Corinthians 14:33.
My sincere advice to you is to repent and believe the Bible (your popes burned Bibles-and still would if they could).
Follow the lead of Luther and Calvin and show popery a clean pair of heels.

Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

Catholicism is the only Church – read any of the Church Fathers and you’ll see the continuity to today. The Bible exists as it does because the Catholic Church declares Scripture to be authoritative and inspired by the Holy Spirit; the Bible does not teach that it is the only source of authority. No Pope has ever burned a Bible. And Luther and Calvin taught different things, so how can they both be correct?

1 year ago

[…] The Immunisation Fraud: Flu Vaccines Don’t Stop You from Getting Flu […]

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[…] The Immunisation Fraud: Flu Vaccines Don’t Stop You from Getting Flu […]

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[…] The Immunisation Fraud: Flu Vaccines Don’t Stop You from Getting Flu […]